How women Entrepreneurs can use social media to leverage their Business?


How Women can be successful in using Social Media?

Use of social media to leverage businesses has become a new trend among women Entrepreneurs these days. In 2007 less than 4% of women owned businesses used social media for business purposes. Fast forward the picture has dramatically changed. Half of the women owned businesses were using a range of social platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc. to market and grow their businesses in 2012.What could be the reasons for this growing interest in social media by our female entrepreneurs? Let’s find some of those reasons.

1. Women appreciate relationships: Culturally, in most of the countries around the world women are more prone to consider relations as a factor for business and personal decisions. Social media emphasizes the relationship building which can be used for brand building and reputation management.

2. Social media involves in Low cost marketing: Women not only can manage the finances of the household but as well as the finances of a business. Cost of marketing product or brand is always high if focus is on traditional ways of marketing .So, because of money constraint women always search for a low cost option to market their businesses. Social media just fits into this requirement.

Lansons how people use social media by gender female

How Women Use Social Media?

3. Social media is all about sharing thoughts and women are always excited about it: Women are world known for their chatting habits. They just can’t live without sharing their thoughts. They love to share what they know. Social media provides them a perfect platform where many like-minded individuals share their thoughts and help each other.

4. Women don’t appreciate competition much: By nature, women are kind and soft. They work silently without creating much hype about their work. Social networking sites are the perfect platform for such individuals. Here, a business woman develops her online personality by her regular activities on social networking sites without creating much buzz among her competitors.

5. Inbuilt networking capability among women: It is easier for women to join a conversation and adding new members into their network. Social media just does the same. This is the reason why Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are so famous among women.


Top 5 Social Media Used by Women-Owned Business

There must be many other reasons why women entrepreneurs are so drawn to the social networking sites.

There may be many suggestions how to develop an online presence by Business Women, some of them are stated below:

  • Create website: It is the most important step towards the online marketing of any business. First of all, people want to know you. A website introduces you to your customers. Once the customer knows you and likes you he will trust you and buy from you. So, creating a website is the most basic step.


    Women And Social Media

  • Constant activities on blogs, twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, open groups, chat boxes etc. Women entrepreneurs are mainly drawn towards the businesses such as restaurants, beauty salons, spa, clothing, shoes, jewellery stores etc. These types of local businesses get a great visibility if their business page is constantly involved in online activities. Owners of the businesses can invite group discussions in open groups on social media.They can write blogs about their business and stuff related to that.
  • Plans to increase online followers: Women entrepreneurs easily get their followers because they set an example for other women as well. So if planned properly the women entrepreneurs can easily increase their online fan followings. As she gains more followers and a larger online presence her business, will show up in more searches and continue to build customer base.